Many years ago during the oh so important years of jr. high school, I found myself in a new classroom. The teacher was calling role, which is always a fun experience for me because of my “unusual” name. When the teacher got to the “N’s” section of last names, I felt my body tensing for inevitable slaughter that was about to occur. “Wow,” said the teacher, followed by a short pause, “I’m not even going to try and pronounce this girl’s name!” For a very brief moment, I was relieved, thinking there was someone else in this room with an even more “unusual” name than mine! “Sarah…Sariah…Na..Nalulu…?” Laughter erupted around the room, because unfortunately, the only one who wasn’t familiar with my name and gender was the one taking role. My head, and heart, dropped at the same moment my hand raised in the air, in a defeated manner if possible. “Here,” I said, “and it’s Saia Naulu, and I am most definitely a dude.” 

Well to sum it up, I have been called a lot of different things in my life, but the name I respond to 100% of the time is Saia (pronounced: Sigh-ya). I am half Tongan and half palangi. I was born in Hawaii, but grew up here in Utah and I have loved every minute of it! I am an undergraduate student with four semesters left at the University of Utah. I hope to be an orthodontist when I grow up. I am married to the most beautiful girl in the world and have been for 2 ½ years. Her name is Mikell and she is a little over 5 months pregnant with our little girl, who will be our first. I am crazy about my wife, sports and chocolate chip cookies. I gravitate towards happy people, don't care much for ungrateful folk, and I’m terrified of big spiders. My motto (as of yesterday) is “learn from the past, prepare for the future, and live for today,” President Monson. Life is too short to be spent whining and complaining. It should be spent loving, laughing and making the world around us better. My name is Saia, and this is my blog.

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